Neutron preamp/DAC
The Neutron preamplifier is a cutting edge design capable of handling multiple analogue and digital sources.
Provision is made for MM and MC cartridges via a high quality on board RIAA phono stage, the preamp features four RCA analogue inputs and a pair of balanced XLR inputs.
For flexibility each of the analogue inputs can be assigned as Home Theater bypass.
Within the digital world we cater for three S/PDIF optical inputs, three S/PDIF coaxial inputs and a USB input with conversion performed by carefully chosen low jitter ESS-Sabre DAC.
Audio can delivered to a power amplifier via either XLR or RCA terminals, for completeness we have also included two dedicated subwoofer outputs.
The super clean low noise circuit design is based on years of audio engineering experience, the circuit layout is optimised to minimise inter channel cross-talk and reduce distortion regardless of digital or analogue input selection.
This ultra high quality design is also incredibly quiet allowing the Neutron to uncover low level musical details with absolute accuracy.

Frequency response (pre-amp)
Unbalance (RCA) inputs
Balanced (XLR) inputs
Phono stage type
Coax SPDIF 75 ohm digital inputs
Optical SPDIF
DAC type
Trigger output